Pro Website Creation


Marketing Solutions to Increase Sales for Auslock Carpentry

Overview: Auslock Carpentry

Auslock Carpentry faced several challenges hindering their business growth:

Limited online presence: They lacked expertise in online marketing and had an outdated website that detracted from its professionalism and hindered client attraction.

Low brand visibility: With no Facebook page followers, they struggled to build trust and reach potential clients.

Ineffective marketing strategies: They were unaware of the potential of using websites and social media for advertising.



To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive digital marketing strategy:

Engaging Web Design: We revamped their website, making it visually appealing and user-friendly to showcase their services and expertise.

Growing Facebook Followers: We focused on increasing their Facebook page followers by sharing engaging content and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Facebook Ads Campaign: Targeting home and property owners, we ran Facebook ads to promote Auslock Carpentry’s services and attract potential clients.

Paid Search Marketing: We optimized their online visibility through strategic keyword targeting in paid search campaigns, ensuring they appeared prominently in search results.

Within 15 days of implementing our strategy, Auslock Carpentry experienced significant improvements:

Increased leads: Their revamped website and targeted advertising campaigns led to a surge in inquiries and calls from potential clients. Specifically, Auslock Carpentry received over 20 calls from individuals in their area, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented marketing tactics.

Enhanced brand trust: Growing Facebook followers and engaging content helped build trust and credibility among their audience.

Business growth: Auslock Carpentry’s newfound online presence and effective marketing strategies resulted in increased sales and business growth, positioning them as a leading carpentry and construction business in their area.

Overall, our tailored approach to digital marketing successfully addressed Auslock Carpentry’s challenges and propelled them towards success in the competitive market.


Client Testimonial

The client left feedback for us on Upwork. Here is the screenshot of the feedback:

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